Since the Hall of Fame is stuck in time . .

Is there a forum or link to module reviews or discussion specifically for new ones? I’m just curious how people go about locating new community content created after the Hall of Fame.

Thanks! After I started the module you recommended, I realized I’m probably missing out on some good material.

The dialog triggers with your NPCs is awesome. Also, I’ve never seen cut scenes like your. Very impressive. I’m looking forward to a closer examination of the module in the toolset.

@sbonventure Regarding “Crown of Creation”, credit is due to Beerfish, who made the cutscenes for the original Dragon Age: Origins version. It wasn’t possible to import them into NWN mechanically, but they were the guiding vision for the NWN version.

We used to have a club for recommending hidden gems and playing them, discussing. I think it was at vault’s previous forums. Can’t find them nor recall the silly acronym we used.
It just died down due to lack of interest. Though it was fun while it lasted.