Ello people. It is good to be with such excellent and admirable Vault Travellers this day…
I’ve a little query in mind if you’d be so kind as to listen to the disjointed ramblings I have in mind -
I want to initiate dialog via code by clicking on a placeable chair and having the PC stay seated during the entire conversation.
I just don’t know how to keep him seated, short of using the FREEZE_VFX. He will always “pop” up standing once dialog is initiated.
Doe’s anyone know how to do this?
void main()
object oPC = GetLastUsedBy();
if ( !GetIsPC(oPC)) return;
object oChair = OBJECT_SELF;
AssignCommand(oPC, ActionSit(oChair));
// Palli the parrot.
object oPalli = GetObjectByTag("PALLI_01");
DelayCommand(1.5, AssignCommand(oPalli,
ActionStartConversation(oPC, "zc_palli")));
Tootles -