Well, I made that just a moment ago just as a quick test. I didn’t vault my previous venture in the weather FX either. You can find here (it’s a @DM_Wise’s thread).
I’d rather leave this to someone more skilled in modelling, who can improve the snow even more. Maybe for CCC? In the thread I linked above I also show a screenshot with improved snow particle with fxpa_flake
Anyway, as I was writing this response, I had an epiphany that the snow particles must simply die too fast, which is why higher (rain) velocity kept them on screen. So, I changed this in every emitter: lifeExp 1.5
→ lifeExp 5.0
(setting I apparently didn’t notice when I wrote the previous post).
And here’s the result - vanilla snow visible at every zoom.
Static image:
GIF (low quality):