The question was recently asked and answered in the NWN2 - Forum. But whats about NWN 1?
I put the following in the nw_c2_default6 script (at the very beginning) and saved the script in the module
object oDamager = GetLastDamager();
object oMe = OBJECT_SELF;
if (GetLocalInt (oMe, "GetCR") == 0)
SetLocalInt (oMe, "GetCR", 1);
int nCR = FloatToInt(GetChallengeRating(oMe));
string s2DAColumn = "C" + IntToString(nCR);
int n2DARow = GetHitDice(oDamager) -1;
string sXP = Get2DAString("xptable", s2DAColumn, n2DARow);
float fXPmultiplier = IntToFloat(GetModuleXPScale()) / 10;
string XP = IntToString(FloatToInt(StringToFloat(sXP) * fXPmultiplier));
SendMessageToPC (oDamager, GetName (oMe) +": CR " +IntToString(nCR)+ "/ XP " + XP);
It will calculate the expected XP on the first successful hit on the enemy.
Thi first earthshattering realization was, that GetChallengeRating does not work on the playercharacter. There was nowhere a pointer that this is the case. GetHitDice seems to work quite fine.
Then any number of henchmen, familiars and/or summoned creatures will reduce the awarded XP by just 20%. No counting the number of supporting forces, just 20%. Is this correct???
Finally I’ll have to figure out, how class combinations will reduce the XP. Is there an easy way to do this?