I’ve some troule with a cutscene. The script runs in the on-spawn slot af a dragon. Bane should jump in and kill the dragon with an epic spell.
There are two problems:
Bane wears heavy armor. How can I circument the spell-failure restriction? Sometime he seams to fail with getting off his spell. I already set concentration to 99 and spell-failure-property on the armor to -50. That is obviously not enough.
Sometimes this guy decides to do something else (such as casting a buff). How can I make sure, that he does exactly what I told him to do?
Here is the code:
void main()
object oNPC = OBJECT_SELF; // A big, bad black Dragon
DelayCommand (1.0, SpeakString (“Now I’m really PISSED OFF!”));
object oBane = GetObjectByTag (“Bane”);
effect d = EffectCutsceneDominated ();
location l = GetLocation (GetObjectByTag (“WP_BANE”));
effect e = EffectVisualEffect (VFX_IMP_HEALING_X);
// Bane appears in a beam of light, he’s faction defender
DelayCommand (2.0, ApplyEffectAtLocation (DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, e, l));
DelayCommand (3.0, AssignCommand (oBane, JumpToLocation(l)));
// DelayCommand (3.2, ApplyEffectToObject (DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, d, oBane, 5.0));
DelayCommand (4.0, AssignCommand (oBane, SpeakString (“Hah, you are dead meat!”)));
DelayCommand (4.1, AssignCommand (oNPC, ChangeToStandardFaction(OBJECT_SELF, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE)));
DelayCommand (4.5, AssignCommand (oBane, ClearAllActions(TRUE)));
DelayCommand (5.0, AssignCommand (oBane, ActionCastSpellAtObject (SPELL_EPIC_HELLBALL, oNPC, METAMAGIC_MAXIMIZE, TRUE)));
DelayCommand (10.0, AssignCommand (oBane, ActionAttack (oNPC)));
// Scotty beams Bane up
DelayCommand (60.0, JumpOut(oBane));