The Latest Althéa Campaign Build Has Arrived!
After a month of being unavailable due to a large update taking place (in preparation for module two, and which is coming as soon as I can finish it), I can at last announce that the latest build for the first Module (The First Day) is now available for download. This link will always link to the latest version:
Why Yet Another Update?
The first module (and campaign build) still had a lot of old coding in it that was hampering my advancement of building the second module, Predestinated Days. For although I have managed to patch the code over the years the campaign has been in development, there were still areas of code that needed some adjustment to accommodate the next set of modules. This latest version has changes made to it that I hope will be the last for what I need for the last two modules.
An Amalgamated Campaign Thread
I am also taking this opportunity to amalgamate the two threads in these boards related to the Althéa Campaign (The Scroll) as noted below, into this new single thread:
- The Scroll (Predestinated Days) - Episodes Detailing Module Two
- The Scroll (The First Day) - Module 1 Latest Releases!
Therefore, whether you are looking for the latest patch versions or simply after the latest news on any modules in development, then this will be the single post to bookmark and of which to keep track. Any constructive comments about the campaign you wish to make would also be welcome here.
Patch Notes
Any patch notes associated with the latest version will now only be posted on the download page, so if you like to see what has been updated or fixed, that will be where to check. There is a quick link to the patch information within the module description text, which jumps to further down the same page.
All patch notes prior this latest build have been removed from the page and only patches and updates related to this latest build will now be added there.
I would like too take this opportunity to thank my wife and @Dustin_Offal for all their hard work in finding faults and suggesting improvements for the campaign. Any players who play and have other suggestions are also welcome.
Backward Compatibility
I have taken efforts to make this latest version backward compatible with the Enhanced v2.41E or above, and so anyone who might be still playing a game of any of these versions can simply patch to v1.1 and continue from their saved game. However, the best benefits come from starting afresh, with both the new module files and the new campaign files.
Thanks for your time!