The Obsidian Legend, a story module

The Obsidian Legend is here.

This is my first attempt at a story module, so bear with me. :wink: But seriously, it’s been so much fun creating this adventure.

Anyway, hope you like it!

  • Snottling


Many thanks for sharing.

I noticed that your file’s download count did not increase after I downloaded the file. Might want to check with one of the admins in case this can be resolved.

You just need to do a reload/refresh normally but in this case it isn’t working. You might want to contact @Fester_Pot about this. It looks like there have been around 4+ downloads so far according to the tracker in your account (click on your user name takes you there and then click track).


Hey Surazal!
Yeah, noticed it too. I’ve contacted those in charge, maybe they can help. Anyway, thanks for your interest in the module. :slight_smile:

Thanks, TR!

Just downloaded this to test, and indeed, the download count remains at 0.

Is this just for The Obsidian Legend, or have others noticed it with other projects that have download counts?

This is not something I know how to fix. Perhaps @niv is the best choice here.


Thanks FP! I’ll contact Niv.

EDIT: I just tried downloading my other content and that counter works.