The Scroll (Predestinated Days) - Episodes Detailing Module Two

Hi All,

I have now named Module Two for The Scroll: “Predestinated Days”. And to help prevent multiple new posts updating you about progress (when the post title becomes uneditable), I decided to keep to the same title, which now reflects this name for the module. Therefore, be sure to keep an eye open for this post in the future if you are following the episodes as I update my blog, which this links to.

If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions that you would to make to help me along the way, please respond in this thread, or at my blog, and I will respond. :+1:

And for the record, the titles of all three modules of The Scroll are (or will be):-

Module One: The First Day.
Module Two: Predestinated Days.
Module Three: The Last Day.

All previous Episodes found at The World of Althéa Blog

Hiatus is coming to an end … hopefully … and so an update …

And the opening paragraph …

After my few months hiatus to allow me the time to deal with moving home and settling in, I can now report that I have now managed to pick up the NWN2 toolset for the first time in months to allow me to return to building module two of the Althéa Campaign! I must confess that finding my feet again was difficult - not so much on how to work with the toolset, but how to get back into the story. Read on to hear of my return to the build …


Hi All,

The latest instalment …

And the first paragraph …

" The last few weeks since my last post have been relatively productive for me, and since that time we have also had the news that Arem (from the NWN2 Forums ) has successfully managed to locate the hexadecimal locations of the nwn2main.exe to allow us to increase the zoom potential of the camera for the game. Technically, it goes much further than 11, but I hope my Spinal Tap reference has not gone unnoticed. (I have a clip to the hilarious link in my post below.) Read on for further information."

If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions that you would to make to help me along the way, please let me know in this thread, or at my blog, and I will respond.

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Hi All,

The latest instalment …

And the first paragraph …

“As we all should know by now, dungeons come in many shapes and forms, fascinating us and piquing our curiosity, while at the same time, all too ready to do us harm! For those of us who enjoy both science fiction and fantasy, we are familiar with the many different environments of alien or bizarre objects we can expect to find, as well as the many denizens we are likely to encounter. This week, I have been trying to focus on some of those aspects, which I have found interesting to deal with in my own past gaming experiences … and which I intend to include in my next module. Read on for all the latest updates …”

If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions that you would to make to help me along the way, please let me know in this thread, or at my blog, and I will respond.


Hi All,

The latest instalment …

And the first paragraph …

"Let me say straight from the start that this post is not about actually scripting monster AI, or even a tutorial about how to design a monster in a toolset. In this case, I am simply referring to those technical “monsters” builders face when trying to produce their modules. From applying animations to writing scripts, they all seem to come at various levels of difficulty, just like those “real” monsters we face in the game itself. So while some such encounters may occasionally appear as “simple” as a goblin to beat, others feel like dragons! Even builders skills can be thought of as in classes and levels themselves, so what may appear simple to one builder becomes a real challenge to another … and haunt them for years! Read on for my latest XP gains in building … "

If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions that you would like to make to help me along the way, please let me know in this thread, or at my blog, and I will respond.


I had to double check that Predestinated was a valid word. Turns out it is and the earliest reference is from the 15th century (in middle English). So thanks, you’ve expanded my vocabulary. Mind you I think there may be a missing word from the emboldened text above. I think that

should be



Etymology coming from Old French word still in use today “prédestination” would occur to me. I might be wrong. Nice day to all and take care. :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Tarot_Redhand (Thanks for pointing out the typo!)

Thanks for taking an interest in the title I have used. :slight_smile: I gave it a lot of thought and it took me ten years to reach this title for module 2. The First Day and The Last Day were always going to be the case for modules 1and 3. For the second module, I needed a word that was to sum up the whole point behind the campaign, which complemented the titles (and equal points being made) of modules 1 and 3.

If you ever play the campaign, even from module one, there is a start of the significance behind this word in more depth. However, this will not be obvious to the casual player. So, for confirmation, it is being used in this meaning …

To foreordain to an earthly or eternal lot or destiny by divine decree.


And, most builders will (or should) recognise that their module actually dictates the outcomes to every players action within their game, no matter how much “freedom” the player believes they have. The Scroll Campaign is just designed to emphasise this, and (by the end) hopefully drop that enlightenment on the player, which I also hope will help them to recognise the significance of our own historical application of the word within our own world. i.e. It is an extremely significant word, with an absolute poignant expression for everyone. The clearest usage of this word and where it is most significantly used is within the Bible, and is a word that sends immense joy to some, but strikes terror to others. BUT, there is more to it than this, but without quoting scripture, I cannot easily explain more … except maybe by the time I finish module 2 (or maybe 3), and people play them, I hope to also express it there.

Module 1: Hints at the word.
Module 2: Explains the word.
Module 3: Confirms the word.

The word is used very much alongside “predestination”, but “predestination” should always be seen in light of being “predestinated” and not in any modernised pagan usage of it.

Predestination Interesting Reading.

Particularly this part … The Reformed Position:

" Reformation

John Calvin rejected the idea that God permits rather than actively decrees the damnation of sinners, as well as other evil.[28] Calvin did not believe God to be guilty of sin, but rather he considered God inflicting sin upon his creations to be an unfathomable mystery.[29] Though he maintained God’s predestination applies to damnation as well as salvation, he taught that the damnation of the damned is caused by their sin, but that the salvation of the saved is solely caused by God.[30] Other Protestant Reformers, including Huldrych Zwingli, also held double predestinarian views.[31]"

Thanks again, Lance.


Hi All,

The latest instalment …

And the first paragraph …

“It’s a good feeling when plans start to come together, and the results of the last few days have helped a great deal with that feeling for me. At last, I am starting to move towards conversations that open more paths for the player to follow, which in turn, allow me to start to write more conversations and update journal entries. Read on …”

If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions that you would to make to help me along the way, please let me know in this thread, or at my blog, and I will respond.

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Hi All,

I just did my 100th backup of module 2. There have been many more campaign version backups, where the core coding takes place, but module changes (like area designs) are on the 100th iteration. To celebrate, here are two screenshots from an area I have been working on again. (I often come back to areas at different times to continue where I last left off. There is still more to do with this area too!)

Thanks, Lance.


Catacombs …

And for the natural lighting look … while the torchlight burns … (The previous were with darkvision.)

That’s probably all the bonus images for now … :wink:


I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who implements torches with a limited lifespan. But I’m not surprised by this initiative coming from you. :+1:

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Thanks @raymondsebas,

Yes, I also appreciate the fact that I am not alone in currently designing an area. I enjoy seeing your work too.

By the way, are you aware of a potential issue with torches when passed to another PC or changing areas? It’s been a while since I last worked with them and the fix has been in place in my module for a long time. But, to see what I mean, equip a torch so that it lights an area, then un-equip it and pass it to a fellow PC. (I think that may show the issue.) If that does not show the problem, try simply transitioning to another area with a torch equipped. Basically, the light breaks.

As I say, I have the fix in place for my own time-limited torches (and other carried light sources), but did not know if you are also affected by the same problem?

Thanks, Lance.

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I never noticed this problem so far. Thanks, I’ll take a look at that. My scripts are generally very simple and less professional than yours.


That’s kind of you to say. It’s just years of trying to get the thing to run as I would like it to. :wink: Although, in this case, I believe my script to work the torch was simple enough. It appeared to just be a case of simple “stop working” irrespective of anything I was asking it to do. So, extra info from you may help.

When you have a minute, do let me know if you do or do NOT have this issue, as I will look elsewhere for the cause of the problem if your torches do not lose their light between area transitions (or even reloads if I recall correctly).

Let’s go PM with this, so as not to clog the thread. :+1:

Thanks to @raymondsebas for helping me track this issue down: The bottom line - Torch base items lose their light when copied! If you know anything about scripting this yourself, you can test this issue by doing exactly that - Copy a torch item and then try using it - it will fail!

Thanks, Lance.

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Hi All,

The latest instalment …

And the first paragraph …

“I know it’s a cliché of a title, but as we have reached Episode 40 , I think it’s also appropriate for a round up of the campaign so far. Another cliché they often say is that “life begins at forty”. Believe it or not, I was around that age when I started building with NWN2, which came out in 2006. Since that time, I have released The Scroll: The First Day (module 1) in 2016, and am still currently writing the follow up module. The question is, if it took me ten years to write the first module, how long will it take for me to finish the second one? And isn’t there supposed to be a third module? Read on for more info on the bigger picture …”

If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions that you would to make to help me along the way, please let me know in this thread, or at my blog, and I will respond.

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Hi All,

The latest instalment …

And the first paragraph …

“As I write this, a hammer drill echoes through the house as workmen sort an issue for my wife and I. Furthermore, this noise and distraction may last some time, meaning all production of the module will be compromised. Don’t worry, once the house work is complete, I hope to regain my pace, but for now, progress may be slower, and this will also be reflected in fewer blogs until things are back to normal. Read on for latest …”

If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions that you would to make to help me along the way, please let me know in this thread, or at my blog, and I will respond.

1 Like

Hi All,

The latest instalment …

And the first paragraph …

“Work at our property feels like it’s taking ages - more like a campaign length than a module! Hopefully, from tomorrow, we enter the final stages and I am hoping normality should return soon. Thankfully, this latest bank holiday has also given me a brief respite from the hubbub to be able to write this blog and give an update on some things I have managed over the last few weeks. Read on …”

If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions that you would to make to help me along the way, please let me know in this thread, or at my blog, and I will respond.


Hi All,

The latest instalment …

And the first paragraph …

" I know it’s been a while, but I am finally back in a position where I can now safely start producing more material for the module, Predestinated Days , the second part of the campaign. The once ever-present brick dust in our house has finally been eradicated, and both myself and the computer can now breathe more easily, allowing me to get back to production without any fear of a breakdown. Note, however, I have not been completely absent from the task, but simply hampered. This blog is to announce a return to a more structured pace and a little info on what has transpired since I last posted …"

If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions that you would to make to help me along the way, please let me know in this thread, or at my blog, and I will respond.


Hi All,

The latest instalment …

And the first paragragh …

“Things have been settling down for me at our new house, and I have been able to make some good progress. Not only have I been moving to yet another couple of areas to work on, but new material (in the form of a Readable Book) supporting one of the new creatures that can be encountered has been in the making. Read on for a full update …”

If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions that you would to make to help me along the way, please let me know in this thread, or at my blog, and I will respond.


Hi All,

The latest instalment …

And the first paragraph …

"It’s funny how you let things slide with certain aspects of a design until you notice something for the umpteenth time and then simply say to yourself, “No! That’s enough!”. I had a few experiences of this over the last two weeks, and so decided to deal with them all. From a couple of subtle area transition changes to GUI text layouts, it’s been a hodgepodge of stuff. Couple that with working on another area that players will learn holds more secrets than when (likely) first discovered, and you have earned another blog post with two screenshots. Read on for more info … "

If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions that you would to make to help me along the way, please let me know in this thread, or at my blog, and I will respond.