Hi All,
The last post has also stopped me updating its title, and so I will start with a fresh post again.
Just to say that I am releasing v2.93 which along with quite a number of cosmetic fixes, also has a fix to the Cocoon Spell. The spell itself was NOT broken, but the code when using the accommodation GUI passed time (thereby ending the spell) prior to any spell learning - thus breaking its usage. This is now fixed in the latest v2.93, which is PENDING. List of other fixes included with v2.93 here.
I will continue to post any observations of any other later patch requirements here as usual.
- DEBUG: Remove some minor “bash” debug feedback. (Cosmetic.)
- FIXED PLOT FLAG EXPLOIT: Fixed a situation where an object could lose its plot status. (a)
- CODE EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENTS: Rewrote some scripts for performance increase.
- CLASS ENTRY FIX: Details withheld.
- MULTI MOD SUPPORT: More multi mod code and testing. (Required rewrite.)
- GETFACTIONGOLD: Bugged function (for me), replaced with GetGold function instead.
- RECIPE BOOK FEEDBACK: Removed ingredient feedback as was breaking loop if > 12. (b)
- PARTY KEY UNLOCK: Updated so any party member opens locked door with party key.
- MULTIPLAYER ON ENTER SCRIPTS: Found some possible problems with MP enter mod scripts.
- GOLD RESTART EXPLOIT: Fixed a potential gold start exploit.
- WELL GUARD CONV FIX: Prevent conv when just loading game. (Entry vars overhaul.)
- SKILL BOOK COVER: Changed the skill book to the “expensive” to differentiate.
- BRIEF REPAUSE: Fixed a very brief and rare “repause” when not required.
- AUTO TORCH: Rewrite to help stop duplicated low/dark vision effect on reload.
- ITEM TRANSFER: Fixed items transfer that are containers. Now work first time.
- REST EXPLOIT: Fixed a resting exploit … changed default zero.
- NAME STRING: Using proper name string instead of label to avoid underscores.
- COMBAT GUI: Removing variable check to ensure always show when paused. (Could lose variable.)
- HARD CORE DEATH: Overhauled system again as items were duplicating & other issues.
- GOLD POUCH: Fixed weight for gold loss through conversations.
- DUMMY ATTACKERS: Fixed a problem introduced in v2.91 where they ignore enemies.
- ROD GAME BREAKER: Fixed a GAME BREAKING BUG! v2.88 - v2.92 BROKEN! (c )
- TREASURE LOOP FIX: Fixed incidents of treasure loop breaking for some objects.
- SPEECH FIXES: Fixed occasions where a speech comment would fail to fire.
- MERKES DOOR FEEDBACK: Corrected door feedback about key required.
- PULP WORM FIX: Keep coming now, until destroyed. XP exploit fixed. (Minor.)
- STATUE FIX: Statues now reform as you last saw them. (Cosmetic.)
- AUTOMATON FIX: Rewrote scripts to ensure automatons animate better. (Cosmetic.)
- SUMMONED & HENCH MASTER: UPDATE: Added master name to summoned/henchmen name.
- GOLEM ATTACKS: Fixed attacks of golem (inc abilities). Thanks KevL!
- AMMO REPORT: Removed redundant ammo check delay.
- INVIS NAME: Reinstated invisible name feature (for monsters) as it was not causing issue.
- LEVEL ITEMS: Work On Equipped as well as level up and On Acquired.
- HOUSE LIGHTING: Fixed lighting inside houses in New Edgeton.
- SPELL BOOK TEXT: Fixed height of titles bars so text shows.
- SPOTLIGHTS: Fixed PC spotlights for conversations.
- JOURNAL ENTRIES: Added some journal text for extra guidance Lady Of The Lake & Ammonite.
- AUTO PAUSE: Fixed a catch where a variable was sometimes preventing an auto-pause.
- TB HOTBAR: Made it so any hotbar action during TB Combat should re-pause after selection. (d)
- AUTO-SPAWN: Fixed a loop that prevented some creatures spawning at the same time as others.
- EXAMINE OBJECT: Fixed a variable that kept making information on a placeable fire. (Uncommon.)
- RUNE LOCK: Prevented GUI from briefly showing after being solved. (Cosmetic.)
- AI AUTO-EQUIP: Fixed equip for ranged weapons based on ammo and not creature type.
- FORESIGHT GIFT: Fixed (removed) ability when in interior areas where it should not work.
- VIGOUR: Fixed a rare time when vigour could be paused permanently.
- DEATH COUNTER: Fixed TOTAL DEATH count to include “Rebirths”.
- RIGHT CLICK: Fixed instance where right-click could temporarily fail on examine.
- HIT POINTS BAR: Fixed full display of hit points on small portrait if had more than 99.
- RUNELOCK FEEDBACK: Added feedback inside RUNELOCK GUI in case chat window off. (e)
- POISON (LEFT): Added poison visual aid reminder to any weapons in left hand too.
- CRAFT NAME: New names to crafted items no longer require re-equipping to see changes.
- RECIPE COLOURS: Fixed recipe colour indication and container info. (Cosmetic.)
- END SCENE: Fixed the end scene to fire if not currently possessing the Main PC.
- CORRUPTION CHECK: Introduction of a heartbeat “corruption” check, based on existing code. (f)
- PC CREATED VAR: Replaced OC with my version that stays consistent between roster changes.
- PC NAME: Fixed Last Name fault due to a “bad” GetIsPC check in function. (Broken since v2.88)
- NWN CHECK: Hopefully saved games won’t be an issue if NWN is installed under new player name.
- PC CHAT: Disabled possibility of companion trying to chat to Main PC. (No way out!)
- KAS COMP: The companion Kas had some “hidden” issues, which have now been sorted.
- FOLLOW: Auto follow on area enter has now been re-enabled even if in Auto-Pause mode.
- AUTO SAVE: Improved the reliability that the initial auto-save will save.
- SHOP CONVS: Todd, Wilf & Gavin convs updated to new SP/MP compatible cutscene styles.
- AUTO EXAMINE: Made auto-examine objects MP compatible. (Won’t disturb other players.)
- BLOATED FIRE: Toned down the lighting (flicker and brightness) on tavern fire.
- TOO EXPENSIVE: Added a “TOO EXPENSIVE” notice text (with sound) to highlight a non-purchase.
- HOME WP: Fixed a companion home WP so they did not end up in tavern day and night!
- HIGHLIGHTS: Added some highlights to objects to aid player in recognising interactable objects.
- RULE INFO: Updated rules section to reflect mechanic changes and offer GUI on initial discovery.
- ON PERCEPTION: Fixed a spurious coding on a perception script.
(Broke Intruder!)
- SPAM TEXT: Decreased theft warning spamming chat when picking lock.
- TRANSITION: Fixed some transitions to use WP instead of doors to help prevent squeeze.
- AI DETECTION: Monster encounter detection efficiency improved.
- AI RESPONSE: Improved some AI responses.
- CELLS EXIT: Let Grist allow you to leave as requested.
- INTRUDER STATUS: Fixed rare instance INTRUDER set on load in error.
- RESEAT: Fixed animation to reseat after PC moves out of sight. (Cosmetic.)
- MONODRONE: Fixed a potential game breaking bug bug if speak to monodrone prior Astend.
- ORECHIN: Fixed a potentially game-breaking bug if spoken to Orechin a repeat path.
- DOUBLE NEGATIVES: Removed the duplicated negative sign on stats reduced. (INT already had.)
- GRIST CONV: Fixed Grist conversation from not updating.
- MERKES/SCAR: Moved transition off stairs so conversation does not break if clicked early.
- EXPORT DISMISSED: Fixed an issue where “dismissed” PCs could no longer be exported. (g)
- TAVERN REST: Fixed a situation where a PC could no longer rest at the tavern.
- HENCHMEN: Fixed henchmen name colours and conversations.
- MEM LEAK: Fixed weird occurrence where a loop would not distinguish a door with object check!
- AUTO-PAUSE: Made more efficient by working on examine rather than HB auras. (Big change.)
- LORE INFO: Updated like RULES in that it is sometimes presented in GUI as well as stored.
- HERODIAS CONV: Fixed a combat trigger if conversation pursued with Herodias.
- GOBLIN HALLS TRIGGER: Fixed a typo (wrong) script in Halls of the Goblin Kings.
- HOMA BLESSING: Made this a party wide check so player can speak with any PC.
- MURDER POST: Stopped duplicating post if murder > 1.
- EXAMINE SIGN: Removed irrelevant toggle options for placeables.
(a) As nobody had yet downloaded v2.93, I will re-release with these fixes when done.
(b) There is still a lot of initial feedback on a single left click, but now (when it comes to ingredients required) a recipe will just report a quantity required rather than try to compare with what the party carries.
(c ) When placing the divining rods they fail to glow as they should. This is fixed in v2.93, meaning an essential variable is also fixed.
(d) Some actions were not being detected when needed and so rather than try to be selective, I enabled auto-pause after every hotbar action, and just added a reminder warning instead.
(e) See image below.
(f) Not a failsafe, but a start to check if something has gone awry with the current game. A new GUI will pop up offering to “Dismiss”, or “Exit” to allow a reload. Dismiss will attempt a repair, and allow play to continue without any further warnings, apart from new occurrences and with reminder in the main menu… (See image below.) NB: The example shown should no longer be an issue, but the code/template is left in place for any potential further usage.
(g) This will NOT work if the player has dismissed PCs prior to this fix as the “damage” will already have been done.
Thanks, Lance.
EDIT: Just to let you all know that my wife has been play testing the hard-core path (no revival on death, which uses tombstones instead, where corpses must be returned to healer to pay for raise or you raise yourself) and is why v2.93 is being held back until she has finished core testing.
Also to say that, considering NWN2 “hard core” is new to her, she has done exceptionally well and only died twice up to now (excluding one or two reloads). Once she had a bought raise dead spell and successfully raised her thief. Another time she successfully carried the cleric’s body back to Orechin and paid 500 gp for the res!
Hopefully, after a little more testing, v2.93 will be released.
Also coming with v2.93: BAG CONTENTS at a single left click …