Hi All,
!!! ATTENTION: PLEASE Check here regularly for the latest PATCH !!!
Absolute latest versions will be available from here!
I want you to have the best experience when playing The Scroll. This campaign has taken years to write, and I do not want you to have a spoiled experience just because of a missed bug (at the time of your download) giving you a potential game-breaking problem! If you have the latest patch, then any problem you may have experienced should already have been dealt with and your game will be fixed. If, however, you think you find a bug that everyone else has missed, then PLEASE let me know. Check out the IMPORTANT NOTICES below as examples of why it is important to keep your game patched & to give any feedback!
EDIT: I decided to keep to the original version system after all. Post left for information only.
OK, this is a copy of the last entry of my “PENDING” post, as it can no longer have its title edited. Please keep all feedback here. Thanks.
I have decided to take on a new version numbering system to help players know what they are playing. Rather than simply increment the version irrespective of any changes, the version will now work as follows:-
If a module change is made, then the version will increment by a complete point prior the point marker. However, if only campaign changes are made (effectively acting as a patch), then the version number will increase by 1 for each version after the point marker. NB: The point marker is NOT a decimal point, but simply a point marker showing module changes before the point marker and campaign/patch after the point marker.
E.g. v2.11 would mean the module is on its 2nd version and differs from module 1 version … and that the campaign is on its 11th version, but IS compatible with all “module” versions. i.e. Any campaign changes (acting as patches) work for all module versions. However, a module version lower than the latest may contain an issue that requires either a specific patch or help from the builder to avoid having to restart the module.
Alternatively, the player could restart the module with the latest version.
Now, here are the questions …
- Anybody have any other method they would like me to consider?
- Should I start from v3.00 (which stays true to the current position in the modules life) or are players OK with me starting from v1.00 again, knowing its the new format?
- Or does the way I currently do it work for you as it is?
Thanks all!