Is there a good way to do a timed event with NWN Scripting ( not nwnx )? Can I just use DelayCommand()?
If so, will back-to-back DelayCommand() begin their count down at the same time or sequentially?
Depending on the context, it’s often better to use Actions.
Unlike delayed commands, an object performs actions on itself sequentially, waiting for one to finish before executing the next.
For example, if you want an actor to walk to a door then open it, you don’t need to know how long the walk will take.
ActionDoCommand can be used to insert any nwscript command at the correct place in the action queue.
Amongst other things, that allows Actor A to tell Actor B to do something when (and only when) Actor A is finished.
You can mix the two techniques. For example, use DelayCommand to run a function which is a set of actions, if you don’t want the actions to start at once.
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you’re a hero Proleric. Thank you!