So I just got a new (to me) PC laptop for the sole purpose of running the toolset. Everything runs great except…
The laptop has max resolution of 1366x768. When I click the little arrow to add a condition or action script to a conversation node, the pop-up window is too tall and the search box is inaccessible above the top of the screen. So all I can do is scroll through the gc or ga scripts. I think that pop-up is set to a height of 800 pixels. It’s not a show stopper but it’s super annoying.
Google has not helped and I’ve looked through all the xml files to see if I can adjust this setting but no joy. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
There’s also a NWN2.ini file in the “My Documents<NWN2>” folder.
It includes a specific section about [Display] where height and size are defined:
[Display Options]
However there’s no equivalent in NWN2player.ini, so I’m not sure the weight and height also apply to the toolset.
Thanks 4760. I’ll check those ini files out. In the end I may just swap this laptop out for one with a full HD screen. Fortunately the shop where I got it allows that.