Trouble installing on Windows 10

I am having trouble getting the game and expansions to install on Windows 10. I have the original game disc and both expansions on disc. I am able to get the NWN2 base game to install by setting compatibility mode on the setup.exe file.

However, when I attempt to install MotB using the same method I get a modal dialog that pops up and tells me that “The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid” on the file E:\ (Note: E:\ is my disc drive and the file cannot have been altered)

Any suggestions on how to get this to install?

Not a fix, but you can get the GoG version for the complete game for about 15€. I also had some small problems here and there with the discs but the GoG version works without an issue.

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This might not be the answer you want but…I own the original game with all the expansions (I actually bought it and MotB on day one of release and then SoZ later) on my Windows 7 computer, but when I wanted to install on my laptop with Windows 10 I bought the game on and it works great there. So, if you can afford it I would recommend that.

Edit: LOL! I actually posted at the same second as andysks and we both suggested the same thing…

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I pretty much gave up on trying to install and patch NWN2 at Windows 8 using media. But the GoG version works fine. They sometimes have it on sale.

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What everyone else said. I have my disks too but getting the game updated is enough of a mess that I just went with a GoG copy.

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