Updating EE install - what files are changed

So i have EE from 2022.
I did couple of modification to both documents folder and root folder of EE installation.
I wonder what exactly will be updated?
I mean the update won’t touch campaign, module or override folder, right?
Thanks for the info,

The update won’t alter Documents but IIRC it will wipe the Installation including official campaign folders.

Backup never does any harm.

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So any update i made to the campaign is forfit.
Kinda bad, i need to check what i changed exactly, just to be on the safe side.
Thanks for the info,

If you didn’t change the module itself it doesn’t matter. You can always back up your override or development folders, hak, tlk, portrait, and especially module, etc folders. If you have the space just move I somewhere safe or make a copy.

Then you can explore your original folder and compare. Aside from custom music, portraits, or 2da edits I can’t think of what you would have been able to change.

Mostly i do my changes in documents folder, not in core nwn folder.

Well, then, that shouldn’t be a problem.

I haven’t modified the OC modules myself, but I believe the safe way to do it is to copy the .nwm files from installation to .mod files in documents.

The rule of thumb being that documents aren’t harmed but the installation is flushed.

I guess the question should have been, what are you worried about losing?

If it was to cheat, you can just use dm_login and give yourself whatever as a DM, then dm_logout and play.

Anything else would have been in the folders list above.

Unless you patched your game using community patches, but this are probably improved by now anyway.

I just need to patch to game version required to use CCOHEE.
It requires at least 87.8193.35 version of the game.
I have 86 something.