Valsharess' whip crash

I encountered an issue with the whip blueprint for The Valsharess pack. When I select the blueprint and scroll down, it crashes when it reaches the ‘Material’ row. Has anybody else encountered this, or perhaps there is something wrong with my toolset? Thanks.

For now I’m just going to remove the blueprint.

Another issue with this pack: when I try to open or in GIMP, I get an unexpected end of file error.

I just checked, and both open without problem (with XnView though, not Gimp). Did you redownload the files, in case it was a corrupt transfer?

No problem here, the blueprint scrolls up and down as expected. Are you using the hak or the override version? If you open the baseitems.2da file in the toolset, does it crash? Do you see a wrongly formatted line? (just checking, I don’t see what could be causing what you describe).

I tried both. Hmm… not sure why it’s not working.

I don’t know either. The only reasons I could think of are an extra space in baseitems.2da, or in a blueprint (but then you should get an uninformative error message, but a message anyway).