Can someone in the technical department help me please, as I am currently being limited to a 2mb file upload. I am trying to update my module, The Scroll, and this is a problem.
Is it because the module has many “revisions”. If so, I do not know how to delete these revisions to clear up space.
Can someone in the technical department help me please, as I am currently being limited to a 2mb file upload. I am trying to update my module, The Scroll, and this is a problem.
Is it because the module has many “revisions”. If so, I do not know how to delete these revisions to clear up space.
@Lance_Botelle Yes, the revisions on your Scrolls project take up quite a bit of diskspace, because each revision keeps around all attached files. It’s fine for now, but at some point we’ll have to figure out how to prune those out. (Can you try simply not checking “Create new revision” and see what happens?)
REVISIONS REMOVAL: We just need a selection button to select and then remove revisions.
VERSION UPLOAD: There is no check button (as far as I can see) that I can “not check” when uploading a version.
Again, such a button would be helpful. Perhaps, I am just not seeing it? Maybe a clearer radio button option that switches between “Overwrite Current Revision” versus “Create New Revision”.
I’ll look for it when I next upload (now), but I have never yet seen what button you are referring to.
EDIT: No, I could not see this button or option you refer to, to allow me to simply replace an existing version.
EDIT: Also, I noticed your upload amounts have changed in places where you may not need to. EG: Images can only be 2MB. Files, however, do need to allow for bigger uploads (like 1 or 2 GB). You have a standard 1GB upload for any and all files, which is open to abuse/misuse. Why allow 1GB for a picture?
Also, when selecting to upload a 7z file, I believe you are not allowed to do so on the “advanced” method of uploading I tried once, but I could on another. The 7z format is popular and should be allowed on all I would have thought. (This was how it was a while back anyway.)
Yes, it seems to be on by default site wide for projects. I have notified Niv about it, since it seems like only admins have access to modify that option. Thanks for the quick response.
I have amended the upload limit to 2G. 1G was a bad idea, since it was blocking the CEP folks. We’ll revisit the disk situation in a good while when new options present. Right now, we have plenty (>400G) disk for new content free still.