Voicing text without hakpack

Is it possible to voice text without forcing the players to download a hakpack? Maybe it can be downloaded optionally like music?

I think voicing NPC will add a lot of life into my module, although the last thing I wanna do is force players to download a hakpack.

Not sure what you have against haks?

Convenient containers for custom content, I’d say.

I imagine you could fill the player’s override with audio files, but why create all that clutter?

Not sure about this, but it might work if you just pack them in the module itself, if this is for singleplayer. In multiplayer, no way around haks (or nwsync).

It’s for a PW in NWN:EE


It’s possible with override? How?

Not sure what you have against haks?

Convenient containers for custom content, I’d say.

Actually haks are an incredibly inconvenient vessel for additional content. If haks were convenient they would be automatically downloaded when player X tries to log into the server (and haks which produce errors would be flagged by search engines!).

I’d love to add some fancy tilesets, items, placeables, creatures, including voice files which is my current desire, but here’s my beef with hakpacks:

  1. You need to deal with various clashes/errors they create. I tried to download lots of clothing haks and nearly all of the clothing haks in the nwvault produced clashes and errors when I scrolled up and down through the models, forcing me to remove them.
  2. They’re a management hassle for me as a developer. I use a desktop PC, a laptop and mobile version for NWN; every time instead of just downloading the latest version to my modules folder I need to make sure I have all latest haks in my folder too…
  3. Haks are a bit of a hassle for players as well. I’ll need to make an explanation page, for players to find the page, and follow the instructions there just to start playing.
  4. Space. Haks can add up being several good GB’s. Although it’s not a lot for a PC, it’s a very big deal for mobile and would be a deterrent for players.
  5. Searching for hak. You actually need to download the haks to see what it has some of the time, as not all of the screenshots/description reflect it.

That’s mostly it, by order of importance. Errors, hassle for me, hassle for players, space and searching time.

And despite it I might actually include haks eventually, it’s just that in this phase of development I rather not be bogged down with hakpacks and focus on the general scripts/systems which do not require haks.

So with that said, is there a way to do it with override?

Since you’re already worried about space, I suggest you start by recording a typical conversation line to see how big the .wav file is, then scale up by the number of lines to estimate the total size of the final data.

No matter how you deliver the data, there will be a lot of it.

Then you can test dropping that file in override (I’m not advocating that, as it’s bad practice).

The next point to consider is how you would deliver all those files to the player.

The issues you have with haks are misconceptions. I’m sure there are plenty of PW builders here who can help you, if you’re open to advice.

Since you’re already worried about space, I suggest you start by recording a typical conversation line to see how big the .wav file is, then scale up by the number of lines to estimate the total size of the final data.

No matter how you deliver the data, there will be a lot of it.

Aha! Well, of course it’s gonna be tons of GB, the whole point of putting it in override is it being optional. :slight_smile:

Then you can test dropping that file in override (I’m not advocating that, as it’s bad practice).
The next point to consider is how you would deliver all those files to the player.

Right now I’m not sure what’s the pipeline of doing it via override though.

The issues you have with haks are misconceptions. I’m sure there are plenty of PW builders here who can help you, if you’re open to advice.

You can call it misconception, but it’s something I’ve experienced on multiple occasions. Regardless, you were wondering what I have agaisnt hakpacks and I obliged to wrote a detailed answer. Bottom line is that right now I don’t want to use/deal with hakpacks; and it might be more of a subjective issue. I might use hakpacks in the future if I feel they have enough value, but I was hoping for an alternative optional solution in the meanwhile for this little gimmick of voicing text I want to add. It’s fine if there isn’t any, I can live without that feature.

It’s for a PW in NWN:EE
Actually haks are an incredibly inconvenient vessel for additional content. If haks were convenient they would be automatically downloaded when player X tries to log into the server (and haks which produce errors would be flagged by search engines!).

A PW in NWN:EE can have haks auto download via nwsync to all players. They take time to understand and organize on the developer side, but for players it is as convenient as clicking on the server.

You can read about nwsync here: NWSync Technical User Manual 1.78 - Google Docs

It’s definitely something that would come in handy if I decide to use haks, but that’s not the point of the thread :slight_smile: I feel like it’s been overshadowed by “haks are good/evil!” discussion. Oh well.