Which treasure/loot system ("is best")?

I only delved somewhat deep into the SoU loot system in NWN1 (which I really liked, though it required quite some work (or rather, thinking)), but never gave much thought to going very deep into the NWN2 OC system - which, to be honest, is decent, or even good; but it lacks of course some of the later goodies of both NX1 and NX2.
Which is YOUR preferred treasure/loot system, and why? :slight_smile:
I would try use the NWN2 OC system, but I must/should update those pesky .2da’s I presume…? Some of the drops do not make sense, either. The categories are somewhat weird in mine eyes (disp, ammo, magic, mundane… Why not a category for books, one for potions, one for armor etc.?).

To clarify:
I know of these - my knowledge level is somewhat limited for all, however:
NWN HotU - which
NWN2 OC is based on, right?
Tcho’s SoZ loot system explained

I also am aware of the Legends plugins, but they SEEM to be more directed towards PW builders…?

EDIT: Actually, editing the DES_TREAS_ 2da files is far too much work that I want (or am able) to invest in this at the moment. The SoU system will have to suffice, for now at least, I think.

EDIT 2: …except that it seems the SoU treasure system does not work in NWN2… seems the system is unable to find the base container (100% of the time??), and so resorts to the NWN1 OC coninclude system instead.
Right… What now? :-/

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The system I use is old method, but it works for me.

I just create all the items I want with the stats I want, then use the ondeath or onopen script by using the Executescript function I created some scripts for items that are categorized as gold pile, junk, +1, +2, +3, +4, and rare. I use an 1d100 int roll that corresponds to an item listed. I can have one creature drop random loot, or I can have them drop a gold pile. I can adjust the percentage by adjusting the lists in the scripts

Most PWs use custom loot systems for controllability and for interesting item generation.

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Hmmm, OK I must ask/beg for help here. See EDIT 2 of my opening post. The SoU treasure system seems not to be working, and I have no idea why. I wouldn’t be surprised that my meddling with the scripts (attached) is the cause, but I tested this with vanilla scripts also, and it seems the behavior is the same: NWN2 unlike NWN1 appears to be unable to find the (base) containers, e.g. X0_MOD_TREASURE_LOW.
I have taken a normal chest placeable and put it an area which will not be accessible to players, and given it the tag given in capitals above. For each placeable I want to spawn treasure in, I use the corresponding op/de script - e.g., such as x0_o2_potnlow . That should spawn potions based on the potions I’ve placed in X0_MOD_TREASURE_LOW .
However, I only get (totally) random treasure which judging from the code in x0_i0_treasure happens because if the system can’t find the base container, it should spawn treasure based on nwn_o2_coninclude instead.
Does anyone have any idea what is wrong?
SoU_treasure_scripts_fk.7z (25.5 KB)

EDIT: It seems that the system struggles with finding the for the player off-limits X0_MOD_TREASURE_LOW container at all times (sometimes items I’ve placed there appear, but most often I get totally random loot), but it does seem to find the area container X0_TREASURE_LOW (which also is off-limits for the player, but exists on the same map as the container where I want to spawn the treasure). Maybe the problem is that the module containers do not work in NWN2, only the area containers? Are there any known limits for how much stuff you can put in the module container (I never ran into this problem using this in NWN1)?

Anyway, help is appreciated. :innocent:

According to this, X0_MOD_TREASURE_LOW is for the whole module, but for an area you may want to use X0_TREASURE_LOW.

Yep, I have set it up that way. However, it seems that game “does not find” X0_MOD_TREASURE_* (the mod container), but it does seem to find X0_TREASURE_* (the area container).
I guess I can live with that, but it will require quite a lot more work than expected, because I have to set up random loot containers in each and every area, rather than relying on the mod container which should work for all.
Maybe the problem is that I do not run a module, but a campaign…? But I can’t see that either, as I tested the scripts in the module folder (module working directory there) yesterday, with no more luck than when using a campaign.

Wasn’t there a fox for the BioWare chest treasure system?