why my post deleted ?
The question is only for administrators or moderators.
Why? There is even a great song on YouTube (same theme as in the video)
if you saw the video (which I posted) that you deleted.
so specific questions:
- that on this forum it is forbidden about politics (joking / uploading funny videos).
I don’t really care about politics. - what exactly did you dislike.
- where exactly is it written in the rules?
I don’t remember such a point. - Please show me what rules I also need to know.
Why an extreme case? (Because of politics?)
what is this warning?
this video is funny. what’s the problem?
you can write in a private message (if this is a problem)
If I offended anyone.
I apologize.
I suggest you .
so that there are no misunderstandings
write a document where you specifically describe:
what do you want to see on the forum
what you don’t want to see on the forum
as i think: (am i the only one? (edge case)
because someone is very likely to break the rules in the future
deliberately, accidentally, unknowingly, trolls were and will be,
there can be many reasons.
I suggest doing in some cases
make pre-moderation (like the post is published only after checking, for example, every other day, there are even special programs)
Just email me specifically:
- what you don’t like / forbidden / don’t welcome
- what do you like / welcome
I propose to do:
make a simple rule table (I’m sure this will more than help / I can make one for you / although I’m not very good at design)
to make a table for you?
(I need your rules:
they must be detailed (we can condemn)
then we form a capacious word (you suggest)
and i make a table for you.
then you need to show it all somehow (I think to add
type of reminder when writing messages)
(the better the explanation, the less the risk of negative posts)
example -
use bots / and programs to check
what can you do:
checking for words using the program / example if it contains the name of politicians, then it is blocked for moderation /)
checking for pictures using the program / example, if it contains something that is not acceptable, it is blocked for moderation /)
and so on (I don’t know how difficult it is / or just to implement / I know one thing can be done / there are probably free programs or scripts /
you can create a word filter
3) verification of experienced users (volunteers /)
4) checking moderators
5) to reduce the chances of negative posts, you need (the better the check, the less the risk of negative posts)