YAQQ - Yet Another Quick Question

I have a single fancy mapped, photogramatic rock model in .obj format. Thing is there are 10 versions of the rock -

0 = 64k polys
     4k textures
1 = 32k polys
     4k textures
2 = 16k polys
     4k textures
3 =  8k polys
     2k textures
4 =  4k polys
     2k textures
5 =  2k polys
     1k textures
6 =  1k polys
     1k textures
7 = 500 polys
    1/2k textures
8 = 250 polys
    1/2k textures
9 = 100 polys
    1/4k textures

Where each poly is a triangle, a 1k poly actually is 1000 (not 1024) triangles and a 1k texture = 1024x1024. Which would be the best to use in NwN EE? I’m talking best with a combination of different measures here -

  • Ease of reattaching the the textures
  • Load on the graphics engine
  • Portability for slower machines

Obviously 0 should look the best but is it worth the amount of work it would take to get it into NwN EE?

So thoughts please.



How big is the rock ? Is it something that would be used singularly or a bunch of them ? With those questions in mind, I’d probably pick something between choice 4-7. IMHO

Thanks for the reply. I’ve got 4 of these. 2 of them are rock clusters and 2 are single rocks. Each has the same number of versions. Just checked one of the individual rocks and it’s roughly 4.8 metres x 5.5 metres x 5.8 metres (x, y, z).