Greetings! It’s a lovely day where I am. I hope the weather is good for you as well!
It’s been slow going on my personal projects because, well, I have no restraint and love ideas, so I add new ideas as I come up with them. But this post is not about me! No, I am interested in your process, when it comes to building modules.
Now, I am aware that module creation is ever-so-slightly different from writing fiction, in that it is totally different. So, for totally non-selfish reasons I would like to ask what your process looks like.
Do you have steps? Do you follow them, more or less, in order? (Areas, then NPCs, then scripts…)
Custom content: when and why do you accumulate it?
Skeletons! Do you utilize plot skeletons, or do you go for a fully-fleshed out module straightaway?
What do you use for drafting, if you draft?
Do you ever start in the middle? How?
And other things!
I don’t just wish to make my modules better: I wish to make my modules. Finishing an imperfect project reigns far supreme over never finishing a perfect brainchild. To that end, if I can pick the brains of the old pros or the new scene, I will be a very happy Crone indeed.
Thank you for your time!